3C Team Request

The 3C Team can assist with any of the following items with regards to the church:

- Promotional Media - Creating designs to promote upcoming church events
- Social Media - Posting promotional media that relates to church events
- Email - Accessing and using church email
- Texting - Communicating to those who have signed up for text communications
- Accounts - Accessing or updating account information
- Equipment - Tracking Church Equipment (Tech), Offering Recommendations
- Software - Tracking Church Software, Offering Recommendations
- Network - Managing the church network, handling access, upgrades, etc.
- Security - Managing the church security system, monitoring, granting/ removing access
- Information Updates - Update out of date information that we may have missed
- Communication Aid - Provide advice and recommendations on how to present and effectively disseminate information.
- Personal technical assistance - General technical support for our church family
Please select one option.
Your Information

Please select all that apply.


The 3C Team can assist with any of the following items with regards to the church:

- Promotional Media - Creating designs to promote upcoming church events
- Social Media - Posting promotional media that relates to church events
- Email - Accessing and using church email
- Texting - Communicating to those who have signed up for text communications
- Accounts - Accessing or updating account information
- Equipment - Tracking Church Equipment (Tech), Offering Recommendations
- Software - Tracking Church Software, Offering Recommendations
- Network - Managing the church network, handling access, upgrades, etc.
- Security - Managing the church security system, monitoring, granting/ removing access
- Information Updates - Update out of date information that we may have missed
- Communication Aid - Provide advice and recommendations on how to present and effectively disseminate information.
- Personal technical assistance - General technical support for our church family